Saturday, November 15, 2014

Mantra and madness

My personal mantra (or prayer?), which I repeat often throughout the day, is "May all people be well. May all be people be happy. May all people be free from suffering."

I say it as I lie in bed waking up in the morning or trying to fall asleep at night. I say it when standing in line or driving into town. I say it when riding the stationary bike or walking outside.

I say it for particular people and friends when I know they are in special need.

I also find myself reciting it for people I do not agree with, people whose driving bothers me, people whose political opinions differ from mine and so on. I try to adapt the phrases in the moment of frustration to, "May this person be well. May this  person be happy. May this person be free from suffering."

I find that it can help defuse negative feelings and derail the kind of negative thinking that fosters the negative feelings and keeps them alive.

At the same time, it bothers me that I have to do it so often. I must be becoming a grumpy old man!


Sunny said...

Owww..welcome to the personal mantra is telling people "Bless your heart!"
Like you I say it a LOT these days.
Is it too early to ssy Happy Holidays to you and Tom and the two feline boys?

Michael Dodd said...

It is never too early to say Happy Holidays! There is always a holiday somewhere.

Ur-spo said...

A good mantra indeed.
Could you turn the volume up for Arizona, we are desperate.