Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Tom decided to make jambalaya for dinner. He uses a recipe from Emeril, which calls for (among a gazillion other things) andouille sausage. Originating in France, in the States it is something you associate with Cajun cooking. It is a smoked sausage made using pork, garlic, pepper, onions, wine, and seasonings. I am happy to say it is readily available to us here in the Dells, a bit to my surprise.

In American English, it is pronounced something like an-DOO-ee. In France, needless to say, it is made and pronounced differently.

When we went shopping, Tom said he had to go get some andale sausage -- pronounced like something a Mexican cartoon character would shout.

I think he knows better ...

At any rate, the jambalaya was delicious!

Yeeha, indeed!

1 comment:

Ur-spo said...

what a lovely dinner !
I got a rock.