Friday, December 26, 2014

White deer

We have lots of deer where we live, but none of these white ones. I don't know where this video was shot, but there are an unusual number of albino white-tailed deer in some counties of northern Wisconsin. Perhaps no one has spent as much time following these white "ghosts of the forest" as photographer Jeff Richter. He has committed hundreds of images of white deer to film over many years of photographing nature and wildlife and produced this lovely book.

It contains pictures of albino bucks, some in velvet, does, yearlings and mixed groups. There are brown does with white fawns and white does with brown fawns. The images include other wildlife such as squirrels, that sometimes have albinism or melanism (black coloring). As I say, we don't have white deer (or at least, haven't seen any), but white squirrels do visit us from time to time and there are also completely black squirrels along our road. I would love to get a photo of a black one and a white one in our back yard some day.

Seemed like a nice winter note to share, even though we did not have a White Christmas this year.

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