Monday, December 15, 2014


This morning we got the stuff I need to make the candy we give the neighbors every year for the holidays. I had planned to start working on it today, and I may yet do that. But I feel sapped of all energy. 

No idea why. I slept well -- though with lots of dreams. Not nightmares, just dreams. I did my usual morning routine: breakfast, reading, meditation. I haven't done any physical exercise yet, and some time on the stationary bike may help.

Maybe it is just the fact that we have had several overcast, foggy, gloomy days in a row. Maybe it is that I have a dentist appointment tomorrow. 

Maybe "why" doesn't matter.

At any rate, I need to get the candy done, packed and distributed fairly soon because The Day will be upon us before I know it. 


Ur-spo said...

what sort of candy?

Michael Dodd said...

Three kinds of dark chocolate fudge: plain, with walnuts, and plain with a hint of peppermint
A vanilla fudge with small red and green M&Ms for color
A white almond bark with chopped red and green candied cherries and whole almonds (looks prettier than it tastes)