Wednesday, December 17, 2014

Teach a teacher

Today the woman I tutor told me that she and her family were recently at a mall, and her husband was having some pain in one eye. He wanted to go to a vision center and make an appointment. When they got there, he asked her to make the appointment for him because her English is so much better than his. But she said, "No, you do it. That way you will learn."

When he started explaining to the receptionist what he needed, their seven-year-old son -- who is bilingual -- stopped him.

"No, you want to get help for pain. You said pay."

Her husband got embarrassed and said he couldn't do it right.

The little boy said, "No, that's okay. You can do it."

And then he did.

Sounds like the whole family is teaching one another.

Ripples in the pond ...


Moving with Mitchell said...

Great that the son respected the father and that the father was able to take the assistance from his on.

I wouldn't have been so tolerant. "My eye hurts. Now is not the time for an English lesson."

Michael Dodd said...

I was surprised to hear that Pedro's father was willing to take his son's advice, too. Maybe Pedro said it in a gentler way than he would have had he already been in his teens.

I know I was a real snot to my father a few times in my early adolescence -- something that decades later I decided I needed to apologize for. I am glad I had the opportunity to do that when he was still strong and healthy and could laugh at me for fretting over things he had long ago forgotten and/or forgiven.

Kirstin Dodd said...

A veces los niños nos pueden enseñar más de lo que pensamos .

He utilizado un traductor. Estoy orgulloso de mí mismo .

Michael Dodd said...

¡De veras, chiquitita!