Wednesday, June 3, 2015


We have lots of daylilies. The Wisconsin climate is so amenable to them that they grow along roadsides, in ditches and up the sides of hills. One of the librarians said in Indiana they call them ditch lilies.

Most of ours are the wildish, tall ones that Tom got from a variety of places, including his old family farmstead up the road a piece from where we live on land that was once part of the farm. We have some, though, that my mother gave me to bring back from Texas. Unlike the Texas myth, these are smaller, being a very short hybrid. The tall ones have flourishing leaves but at the moment no bud stalks. Here you can see part of the line of daylilies (beyond a few iris) between the yard and the woods in front of the house. There are others lining parts of the drive and in spots in the back of the house.

 On the other hand, one of the short ones that Tom planted at the corner of the sidewalk just bloomed.

 When I told my mother that one of her daylilies had bloomed, our first one this year, her comment was, "Mine have already come and gone."

East Texas. Central Wisconsin.

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