Friday, June 12, 2015

Doctor Rebecca Wollenberg

Rebecca, Tom and Helen's oldest, received her PhD from the Divinity School at the University of Chicago today. We had planned to attend the ceremony but the tick had other plans. Nonetheless, hearty congratulations to the new Doctor Wollenberg!

Sorry, I don't have a photo to share of her in her academicals.  

Tom, meanwhile, though unable to go to Chicago, drove me to the library for my volunteer work this morning and continues to make progress.

In Rebecca's honor, the font for the blog title at the top of the page today is Philosopher.


Unknown said...

I'm sorry you and Tom especially were unable to attend Rebecca's ceremony today. Please give her my regards and congratulate her on her accomplishment. I expect to read great tings from her in the future.

Ur-spo said...

Congratulations to her !