Monday, February 23, 2015

Monday morning munchies

A week of so back I saw some ready-to-bake blueberry scones at the market. This weekend I picked up a pack and baked them this morning. They were small but pretty good, if you like scones. A friend is coming over later to talk about a book and I thought it would be nice to  have something to offer with her tea or coffee. 

When I took the scones out of the oven, Sundance went berserk. I assured her that she did not want one, but she kept whining and I offered her a bit. Needless to say, she didn't want it. This is just part of her recent pattern of wanting me to offer her a bite of whatever I am eating.

Fifteen minutes later, Tom decided to make himself some bacon and smell up the house before my guest arrived. (Thanks!) That really sent Sundance into a tizzy. I took a small bit of bacon fat from the skillet and put it on a piece of her regular dry food. She was sitting on a chair, rubbing up against the back and whining. I put the bit in front of her, and as you can imagine, she snapped it up and licked the chair.

We're doomed. Soon she will want eggs Benedict. Cassidy, God love her, eats whatever is there and goes back to sleep.

1 comment:

Lavada said...

Cats- so full of personality!!! <3