Sunday, March 8, 2009

Flat Matthew, Round Matthew and John

The Riverside & Great Northern had a board meeting yesterday, and John came up from Illinois for that, bringing his son Matthew. Matthew is the kid we are doing the Flat Matthew project for, and the time is here to box Flat Matt up and send all the stuff we have written and collected down to the school.

So we invited John and Matt over for pizza last night, and Flat Matthew joined us for a sort of farewell party. You can see how pleased Round Matthew was.

Round (or Real) Matthew is a bright kid, and while Tom and John discussed railroad business, I showed him everything in the house and on my computer. He was very excited about the possibility of being featured in a souvenir book for the railroad, so I hope that works out.

He also likes cats, but his father doesn't. So he took advantage of the opportunity to pet Sundance and Cassidy. They were a little nervous at first, but after a while they were rubbing up against him and demanding more attention.

Later today, weather permitting -- we are under a winter storm watch and may be getting several inches of snow -- we will meet them over at the railroad to unload the trailer full of all the things we took to the model railroad show a couple of weeks ago. Then they will head back to Illinois and we will hightail it home before the storm hits (if it does!)


shera10 said...

Pizzas are enormous! Is it a nomal US size?

Real Matt looks very pleased indeed. Why don't you begin write some kid's book? you have a gift.

Cris (always waiting the delivery of your book!!!!)

Michael Dodd said...

Those are the large, family size pizzas. They make more than one meal.

Matt had a great time.

Hope your book gets there someday.