Sunday, March 29, 2009

Vote for Juan

Tom's youngest, John, is a law student at the University of Texas. (All you Aggies, try not to hiss!) He seems to be running for some student office -- I say seems to be, because his "campaign" is so funny that I can't tell if he is serious or not.

Tom thinks it is a real campaign, and since he was once a law student at the University of Chicago, I guess he knows how they operate. (Tom and Helen met as law students, and Helen's father is a [literally] world-famous law professor. So I guess John comes by this honestly.)

At any rate, this is one of the pictures he has posted. It is supposed to show that he will represent your interests even when wearing an apron, but I am not sure why he thinks that would be reassuring.

It would look better if he were holding a tray of brownies or something. Or a pizza. Or maybe he is about to bring in the tea, guys! After all, it is UT.

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