Saturday, March 14, 2009

Sunny with a chance of ravens

Actually, not only is it warmer, it actually got up to about 48 (9 Celsius) this afternoon. It may get up to 60 (15.5 C) for St. Patrick's Day on Tuesday.

I spent much of today working on yet another book. This one, as I have mentioned before, will be a Carmelite-style reflection on the story of the prophet Elijah being fed by the ravens. It is based loosely on a fourteenth-century Carmelite tradition about how the Carmelite vocation is symbolized by the story in First Kings 17. My plan is to use the story to talk about dryness, detachment, charity, the Holy Spirit, unexpected messengers from God and prayer. Very tradtional Carmelite themes.

I think this will be the next book published. I have also been working on three collections of short stories, and I hope to make some more progress there.

No cover design yet for the Elijah book. The working title is Elijah and the Ravens of Carith: A Twenty-First Century Reflection in a Medieval Carmelite Mode.

Boy, I spent too much time in academia! That sure sounds like a dissertation title.

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