Friday, January 29, 2016

One more lap?

This morning I went over to a very crowded Starbucks, wrote for an hour and then came home and finished revising/editing Except for His Wings. I will let it sit overnight, then do one final read-through to catch any remaining typos and such. After that I will go back and divide it up into chapters, do the title page and other front matter, write the copy for the book cover and Amazon ads and such things. 

At the moment it is 185 pages, but once front matter and chapter divisions go in, it will be closer to 200.  It is already formatted but I won't know how it looks until I have uploaded it and have a chance to see a digital proof. That usually calls for more revisions in formatting but not in text. And I can be working on that phase while Tom designs the cover.

So maybe not one more lap, maybe a half dozen or so. But I feel good about being done with the writing and revising. The book should be available before spring!

My hope for the year is to publish two new books, this one (my National Novel Writing Month effort) and Wacky in WhoVille

It could happen.


Ur-spo said...

I hope it happens.
I wonder about going to Starbucks (crowded ones or not) I don't think I would be able to focus on anything let alone composition. You are a brave fellow.

Moving with Mitchell said...

I so admire you for this (and other things). I'm finishing a mystery/thriller and then plan to start reading my first of your books. I hope to have the existing ones read before you publish two more!

Moving with Mitchell said...

I've actually heard that Spo is no longer welcome at Starbucks. Something about licking fingers.

Michael Dodd said...

Well, there is one barista who is distracting ...