Wednesday, September 16, 2015

Continuing to fiddle

I did some more fiddling with the story about the boy with wings this morning, and I think it might go somewhere. At the very least, I think it has the makings of a novella if not a short novel. As happens, the characters are fleshing themselves out as I write. A few subplots are peeking out from under the main story line and the topography is getting more complex. So far, so good with that one.

I also dug up an outline for a series of short stories -- not exactly a novel -- but they are connected by a story arc about a hermit who becomes the confidante of troubled people who respond to an ad offering a listening ear. It is another one of the Wisconsin stories ideas that I considered. One thing about this is that each of the twelve stories would be based on a three-card tarot spread that I laid out when I thought about this originally. I printed the outline and added it to my NaNoWriMo stack, although I am not as interested in it at the moment as I am in the winged boy story.

Meanwhile, Wednesday is my usual day to skip the gym. So instead of hopping on a treadmill for an hour and a half this morning, I hit the keyboard. Those two things -- treadmill and keyboard -- do not have to be mutually exclusive. Yesterday I came home from my workout, showered and got some good stuff written.

There is a story in one of the NaNoWriMo books about a woman who composed much of her novel while on a treadmill. She dictated into her phone or tablet and ignored the funny looks from people around her. I compose in my head when I am walking, but on the treadmill I usually watch a documentary or a movie.