Thursday, September 17, 2015


One of the brothers in the monastery used to joke that it was time to ponder eternal verities. Today is that kind of day, although I am not pondering eternal verities so much as just pondering. Here are items on my ponder list:

1) National Novel Writing Month -- What story line am I going to try to turn into a novel?
2) Other writing -- What is the next right thing (next write thing?) to do with Wacky in WhoVille? [I am assuming at this point that I am not going to use NaNoWriMo to work on Wacky.]
3) What do I want for lunch?

I went to the gym early and put in a an hour and a half on the treadmill while listening to three lectures on Buddhism. I find many things about Buddhism attractive, but there are things that don't ring my chimes. I suppose you could say that about many religious traditions, including the many Christian traditions with which I am familiar. One can approach Buddhism in a non-religious manner, of course, incorporating meditation techniques and so on. And I suppose lots of people approach Christian traditions in that way, incorporating moral teachings and letting the metaphysics part fly by unnoticed.

Hmm. Sounds like I am skating close to the thin ice of eternal verities. Maybe I need to go back to pondering what I want for lunch.


Kirstin Dodd said...

Love this post as I too have been pondering about these things.

Michael Dodd said...

And what did you have for lunch? I had some of the leftover chicken from Tom's birthday dinner.

Kirstin Dodd said...

LOL i skipped lunch and opted for a protein shake