Sunday, September 27, 2015

Kind words

One of the blogs I read regularly is Spo-Reflections, written by another Michael but under the pen name Ur-Spo. A psychiatrist who lives in Arizona, he says this of himself:
I am 53 years old; I am well over four feet.
I started blogging in February, 2006. I use the pen name “Ur-Spo”, as “Ur” suggests something ancient and primordial while “Spo” is a funny sounding word I remember from youth. Saying it always made me smile.”Ur-Spo” sounds like the start of a joke, or something archetypal and comic. It is a rather lofty pen name , for someone who just wants to write dribble.
My real name is Michael.
I have a long time companion, who , in my blog, I refer to as “Someone”. This is a reference/homage to one of my favorite authors, the late Alice Thomas Ellis, who referred to her spouse as Someone in her “Home life” series.
I write about my daily doings and what is on my mind. My blog is my way of scratching an itch to be a writer. 
Today he mentioned several blogs that he suggested his readers visit, and he included In Dodd We Trust among them, to my delight. Here are his kind words:
In Dodd we trust – I almost did not put Michael’s blog on this list for I suspect he has lots of readers but apparently they don’t comment. His thoughtful contemplations bring me serentiy and smiles and a few chuckles to boot.
If you are not already familiar with Spo-Reflections, be sure to pay Michael a visit and also check out the other blogs he recommends.

I am trying to convince Michael to draft a novel in November. If you read his posts, you will see why I believe he has the talent to do it. 


anne marie in philly said...

spo and his someone are dear friends of mine; I have been in their presence several times.

the fact that spo would recommend you is a high honor indeed.

Michael Dodd said...

Anne Marie,
I consider it a high honor. Wish I could meet more bloggers IRL, but this is good, too.

Frogdancer said...

Spo sent me. I'm off to rummage through your blog now.

Michael Dodd said...

Welcome! I love the pictures of your knitting and quilts, by the way.
I once had a blog named Sleeps with Dragons. Dancing with Frogs made me think of that one.
Dance by often!

Ur-spo said...

Now I get to thank YOU for the shout out. Too bad the world ends tonight; we could have done something great.

Anonymous said...

LOL- Oh dear- I was sick in bed with a sinus infection and missed the end of the world- AGAIN!!

I always miss the good stuff.

Well, except for your and Ur-Spo's blogs- I read them- matter of fact I always go to yours FIRST Michael- and I'm defo not one of the stalkers who never comment- I prob comment so much you've prob thought about adopting me. LOL....
Anyway, so apparantly the end of the world did NOT happen- my boss called to inform me I should have been in the office and refused the end of the world theory- so I dragged myself in to work this morning....and best news ever- now you and Ur-Spo CAN do something great!!!

I'll be waiting!!! :)

Sunny- "ITOAOLH"