Sunday, October 25, 2015

Pain in the neck

About eight o'clock last night, my neck suddenly began to get stiff and achy. Tom suggested that I may have strained the muscles while lugging canvases upstairs in the afternoon, which is as good an explanation as any, I suppose. At any rate, I took some acetaminophen and slept well enough. 

As this morning has progressed, however, the ache is back. I decided to skip the gym and hope that the problem will work itself out over the course of the day. I hate to take painkillers and will try to get by without them. This is only a dull ache, not a sharp pain. I am blessed not to have to deal with the blinding headaches that my friends Steve and Joe suffer with some regularity.

On the bright side, when I went shopping this morning, I got a loaf of Italian bread. When I picked it up, it was still warm from the oven!

Maybe I should apply the heat to my neck ...